Sunday, August 14, 2011

MROF: Lemon Run

Volunteer at Max's Ring of Fire's Lemon Run!

Coordinator: Tammy Truong

Sign up by emailing, or just RSVP.

*When RSVP-ing, please limit yourself to either a definite "YES" or a definite "NO". You are not signed up if you only have a "MAYBE." Please stay away from ambiguous answers, as they really have no purpose. 


If you want to sign up and aren't on the official member list, please fill out the membership application, and then you will be an actual member; otherwise there is no way to contact you, and no volunteer hours will be logged for you either.

<See Facebook to RSVP, and for more event information>

You can also sign up for any available event using the Event Sign-Up Form!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Coastal Cleanup Day

Help clean up and better the environment we live in during Coastal Cleanup Day!

Coordinator: Ly Dang

Sign up by emailing, or just RSVP.

*When RSVP-ing, please limit yourself to either a definite "YES" or a definite "NO". You are not signed up if you only have a "MAYBE." Please stay away from ambiguous answers, as they really have no purpose. 


If you want to sign up and aren't on the official member list, please fill out the membership application, and then you will be an actual member; otherwise there is no way to contact you, and no volunteer hours will be logged for you either.

<See Facebook to RSVP, and for more event information>

You can also sign up for any available event using the Event Sign-Up Form!