Thursday, February 27, 2014


Here's a recap of our 2014 Spring fundraiser for the American Red Cross, to help them continue giving disaster relief, education, and emergency assistance to people in need of such important services :)  
  We will be selling Milk Tea Boba from Tapioca Express-each will be sold for $4 each.  Sell 3 of them and you can get one hour of volunteerism, and each one after that gets you another half hour!  If that seems too daunting, sell 2 and I'll be willing to give out half an hour. Sell a lot though guys!  These pre-orders are great ways to earn service hours, bringing you even closer to that 30 hour requirement.  Also, who doesn't like boba?! :D  Please sell a minimum of 2 orders.
  The cut-off date for the orders will be at the next club meeting on March 13th, 2014 during lunch in Mrs. Olson's room; Please bring the names of the people who ordered, their orders, and the money. The boba will be delivered after school on 3/20/2014, a 1/3/5 Thursday!  
**For any track people- I know that track meets are on Thursdays but that day is a home meet so we should be able to sneak out and get our boba and return super quick ;)  

  Rebecca Chen 
  TPHS ARC President '13-'14