Since I've been hearing requests to go over the information once more from our first TPHS ARC meeting, your wish is my command :) I would also like to give a big thank you to our board members who led the meeting! Our next meeting will be on October 16th, 2014 in room 24.
- Member Applications: Available online at
volunteerconnection you do NOT need to reapply if you completed this process last year. For you to be able to volunteer with us and get hours for fundraising, various events, and donations of time/effort, please sign up first, then email confirming your application (our club secretary Jessica Yang) so she can add your name onto our website and track your hours :)
- check online for your TPHS Red Cross Club member volunteer hours at http://tphsredcross.blogspot.
com/p/member-hours-2014-2015. html
- There’ll be lots of fun fundraisers and volunteer events, each with their own cause or benefit, where we can volunteer and earn the 30 hours requirement. Check out which ones are coming up at http://tphsredcross.blogspot.
com/p/red-cross-club-upcoming- events.html and email the event coordinator or this email to sign up!
- MAKE SURE TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN UP FOR THE CLUB AS WELL; THE MORE THE MERRIER! Events are so much more fun with a group of friends tagging along.
- Fill out event reviews! VOLUNTEER EVENT REVIEWS 1 review= 30 min added :)
d/1MXWzpP1cBP7DWFux3_ 9wai3GB3Qjwc0Yl1SxJGlyjo4/ viewform
- take lots of photos at the events! :D every batch ( quality photos of you and your friends having a good time at the event) will also add on 30 minutes! Email them to either Lisa Hu or back at this email for us to upload them on the website or our TPHS ARC Facebook page ("like us" at
Rebecca Chen
TPHS American Red Cross Club Pres. '14-'15