Saturday, April 30, 2011

Released Official Statement on Key Club

Lately there have been some issues regarding the fact that because Red Cross Club has slowly been revived into a fully active club in participating in doing community service events, we have been copying Key Club. This stems from the voiced belief that we are not focusing primarily on American Red Cross events only, what we are "meant" to be doing. The Red Cross was founded in 1881, and from the very beginning it has been an organization fully dedicated to bettering the world as a whole. As provided by higher authorities of the American Red Cross, as long as people work together towards a common good, there remains a great hope in the world. 

There are a great many community service clubs on campus, and no club has prevented members from becoming even more dedicated to the cause of bettering the community by joining other clubs, because there has never been a reason to. Every single one of these clubs as a collective should be adding some of the previously stated hope to the world, because it just proves that the young adults of our generation believe in being involved in a movement much bigger than just a high school, a district, or even the country. Community service starts within a community, but slowly spreads to the far reaches of the world, encompassing non-preventable disasters like the earthquakes in Japan and other places with a newly provided hope. Competition to become the "best community service club" is healthy in the aspect that in this way, volunteers attack each community service project with enthusiasm and vigor. However at the same time it is unnecessary, because we can all work towards a common goal without feeling adversarial. 

I found Red Cross Club through Key Club to begin with, because Key Club allowed for sign-ups to help with one of the American Red Cross blood drives. I became a dedicated member of both clubs, and in no way has one of the clubs prevented me from continuing to be a dedicated member to the other club. Personally, I absolutely love Key Club and what it stands for, at the same time the reason that I love Key Club is because it has always worked towards the goal that I’ve felt a calling to join in to. Red Cross also helped me with this calling to work for a greater good, so in my mind I see Key Club and Red Cross as potential partnering clubs, along with all the other clubs on campus. In my mind, there is absolutely no competition and no reason for ill will. In my mind, these doubts that have been raised as to the goal of community service clubs are completely superfluous.

The American Red Cross is a humanitarian club, mainly focused on dedicating time to disaster relief and education on emergencies. This is a primary focus, and also one of the main sources of the issue that has arisen between our two clubs. Despite the fact that the ARC works hard 24/7 towards their goal, as high school volunteers, there is a limit to what we can and can not do while focusing on this goal. In this way, along with the other 30+ community service clubs, we do in fact also branch out and volunteer at regular events that may occur around our neighboring communities. Not unlike Key Club, we get out and use our dedication to such causes for working hard and putting thoughts into action. Available official Red Cross events are spaced out, but the needs of the community are many and constant.

Regarding potential scheduling conflicts, they are bound to happen with anything in life; it is not a new occurrence for anyone, and it shouldn't be surprising for anyone either. There are at least 30 community service clubs on campus, and before now there has never been any real problem that could not be solved. As stated before, it is perfectly acceptable and easily done to dedicate time to more than one club. Rather than worry ourselves over such scheduling conflicts, we can take this time to reflect on the possibilities of partnerships between all of these clubs; as for this particular issue, more than anything Red Cross and Key Club can easily work together. 

-Katharine Yang

(2011-2012 School Year) TPHS Red Cross Club, Officer Appointments (Part II)

Thank you to everybody that expressed interest to be a board member of Red Cross Club for the 2011-2012 school year! So many people applied and it really was a very hard decision, as those of you who read all the leadership statements probably could tell. After deliberation, here are the new board members of TPHS ARC!

Vice President – Tammy Truong
Secretary – Lucy Ahn
Treasurer – Ly Dang
Ambassador – Rachael Lee

We couldn’t pick every single person that displayed leadership potential to be on the board (there are only so many positions), but those that have actively participated in Red Cross Club deserve recognition for their hard work. They have been given the positions of “event coordinators” and will be the primary coordinators of our constant community service events. These are the people that we really wished we could’ve had more positions for, so here they are!

Event coordinators/ club representatives - George Kung & Wendy Zhang

Again, thank you to every single person that applied, hope you will continue being a great part of this club!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Potential events for the future! (Part III)

Here are some more events available to participate and volunteer in besides the ones already posted on the website before.

*more details will be posted about the events that we collect enough volunteers for

Camp Pendleton Food Pantry
When: May 22, 2011 (Sunday), from 1:00PM- 4:00PM
Where: Hand Up Youth Food Pantry at Camp Pendleton
What: Volunteers are encouraged to bring a package of diapers (size 4,5 or pull ups) to donate to the military families. Please remember to bring water and a snack for yourself. We may be distributing inside or outside, depending on the weather; so, wear sunscreen and comfortable clothing.

JFS Food Pantry Events
When: Sundays from 10:00AM- 12:00PM
Where: 8804 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123
What: Volunteers work in the pantry to sort donations, stock food shelves, and assemble food bags. Pantry volunteers should try and bring $5 or five cans of food each time you volunteer.

Community Relations for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon
When: May 29, 2011 (Sunday), from 6:00AM-10:00AM
Where: Four communities: Balboa Park, University Boulevard, Downtown, and Friars Road
What: Volunteers help inform the communities that the marathon will be happening through their neighborhood. Each group will receive flyers to be placed on cars, and a list of specific locations. All volunteers will receive PF Chang's gift cards.

You can sign up for any available event using the Event Sign-Up Form. Check out a full list of every upcoming event HERE.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Club Meeting: 4/19/11

Here is an outline of key facts that you need to know! 

Club meetings are the first AND third Tuesdays of each month in Room 24 during lunch.


-Please advertise for the club to gain new members and more volunteers for our events!

-Pick up a couple of flyers to pass out/ give to your teachers to post and help advertise our bake sale events.

April Events~
*You can sign-up for any or all of the events online using the “Event Sign-Up Form” that you can find at A link to this form is also on the TPHS Red Cross website!

Ongoing Events

- Baked goods collection (April 18th-22nd)
  • You can donate to the bake sale by bringing cookies and brownies (etc.) for us to sell at the information booth
  • Bring all your food items to Room 24 for storage, and make sure they won’t easily become non-edible
  • Please have all items in air-tight packaging, or just well-packaged in general
  • (OPTIONAL) For purposes of an organized inventory of baked goods, it would be appreciated if you informed us of what and how much you are planning on bringing
- First set of information booths at school (April 21st-22nd)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up and more information will then be emailed to you  
Upcoming Events

- Second set of information booths at school (April 25th-26th)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up and more information will then be emailed to you
- Set of information booths in front of Vons (April 28th-29th)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up and more information will then be emailed to you
Later Events

- 9th Annual CREEK TO BAY CLEANUP (April 30th)
  • We'll be helping to remove litter and debris from the beach at Powerhouse Park, to save the beach from contamination and pollution
  • In addition to litter removal, volunteers can also take part in storm drain stenciling, tree planting, weeding, and graffiti removal
  • Event will be from 9:00AM to 12:00PM (noon)
  •  Sign up and more information will then be emailed to you 
 - 4th Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest (June 4th)
  • When: June 4, 2011 (Saturday), from 5:30AM-4:00PM
  • Where: Carlsbad State Beaches- Frazee Beach to Tamarack Beach
  • What: Volunteer duties include, but are not limited to, setting up and cleaning up, run/walk course assistants, vendor and booth assistants, event greeters, sport activities assistants, check-in and registration, and T-shirt distribution.  
- Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Marathon (June 5th)
  • When: June 5, 2011 (Sunday) from 4:00AM-2:30PM
  • Where: 6th Avenue and Palm Street
  • What: Work at the start AND finish line of the marathon! Each volunteer receives a T-shirt, backpack, and free entry into Race Crew-only prize drawings.


Member Applications:

Leadership Applications:

Event Sign-Up Form:

*You can email us at!

Next meeting will be the 3rd of May!

Potential Events

Our club is pending registration to volunteer at several other events as well (ex: Earth Day Festival, JFS Food Pantry events, San Diego River Garden, and San Diego Zoo Walk). If you would like to sign up to volunteer at one or a combination of these "potential" events, make sure that you email! SEE THE POST FOR POTENTIAL EVENTS HERE.

Thanks guys,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Potential events for the future! (Part II)

Here are some more events available to participate and volunteer in besides the ones already posted on the website before.

*more details will be posted about the events that we collect enough volunteers for

Earth Day Festival
When: April 23, 2011 (Saturday), 1st shift from 8:00AM-10:30PM and 2nd shift from 1:00PM-3:00PM
Where: Alta Vista Gardens - 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, CA 92084 (around 30 minute drive from school)
What: Volunteers are needed to help with event setup, management, and take down, etc.

JFS Food Pantry Events
When: Sundays from 10:00AM- 12:00PM
Where: 8804 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123
What: Volunteers work in the pantry to sort donations, stock food shelves, and assemble food bags. Pantry volunteers should try and bring $5 or five cans of food each time you volunteer.

San Diego River Garden
When: May 8, 2011 (Sunday), from 8:00AM-10:00AM
Where: 3334 Camino del Rio N in Mission Valley
What: Volunteers help create and care for a new garden in San Diego. All tools are provided, just wear "gardening clothes" and shoes that cover your toes. You might want to bring sunscreen and something to drink as well.

San Diego Zoo Walk
When: May 14, 2011 (Saturday), from 6:00AM-10:30AM
Where: San Diego Zoo
What: Volunteers will be placed in the zoo along the routes to direct traffic. Free admission to the zoo is then provided for all volunteers!

Make sure to respond ASAP, so that we know which ones to register for. Otherwise, all of these fun volunteering opportunities will be filled up!

Also, take this time to check out and sign up for events we are already doing! You can sign up for any available event using the Event Sign-Up Form.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

(4/6/11) Upcoming Events: information booth/bake sale & extra events

Ongoing events right at this moment are:
  • Postermaking (tomorrow)
  • Baked goods collection the week after Spring Break
*you can find information on the ongoing events in a prior post

Here are events that are coming up very soon, so if you have not signed up yet and want to, make sure to do so right away!

Parkinson’s 5K Walk & Fun Run
When: April 16, 2011 (Saturday), 7:00AM-11:30AM
Where: NTC Park- Liberty Station in Point Loma
What: Volunteers assist with everything from registration, T-shirt distribution, cheerleading, parking control, set up, clean up, and dog shirt sales! (Registration forms/ waivers due on April 8th for this event.)

First set of information booths
When: April 21st & 22nd (Thursday and Friday), from 2:45PM-4:00PM
Where: At the ramp by the Counseling building at school
What: We'll be selling Red Cross merchandise and donated baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and educating our fellow students about disaster relief and the American Red Cross. Make sure you do a small bit of research to be able to answer questions. General monetary donations will also be collected in a box.

Second set of information booths
When: April 25th & 26th (Monday and Tuesday), from 2:45PM-4:00PM
Where: The front of the school and the the ramp by the Counseling building
What: We'll be selling Red Cross merchandise and donated baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and educating our fellow students about disaster relief and the American Red Cross. Make sure you do a small bit of research to be able to answer questions. General monetary donations will also be collected in a box.

Third set of information booths
When: April 28th & 29th (Thursday and Friday), from 2:45PM-4:00PM
Where: At the front of Vons on Del Mar Heights Road
What: Several volunteers will be needed to man the booths and answer questions by fellow students. Be able to educate others on the ARC by learning as much as you can yourself. Also we will be selling Red Cross merchandise and our collected bake goods for the good cause. General monetary donations will also be collected in a box. Come help us raise money and awareness for the American Red Cross, our own Red Cross club, and disaster relief!

There are also some events you should keep in mind, as they are coming up right after!

When: April 30, 2011 (Saturday), from 9:00AM-12:00PM
Where: Del Mar Powerhouse Park [1658 Coast Blvd, Del Mar 92014]
What: Help remove litter and debris from the Del Mar Beach, to save the beach from contamination and pollution. In addition to litter removal, volunteers also can take part in storm drain stenciling, tree planting, weeding, and graffiti removal.

4th Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest
When: June 4, 2011 (Saturday), from 5:30AM-4:00PM
Where: Carlsbad State Beaches- Frazee Beach to Tamarack Beach
What: Volunteer duties include, but are not limited to, setting up and cleaning up, run/walk course assistants, vendor and booth assistants, event greeters, sport activities assistants, check-in and registration, and T-shirt distribution. (Though this event is all the way in June, registration closes April 30th, which is why you are getting a heads up now.)

Event Sign-Up Form link HERE.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Club Meeting: 4/5/11

If you didn't go to the club meeting, or just wanted to review what was discussed again, here is the meeting outline! 

Club meetings are the first AND third Tuesdays of each month in Room 24 during lunch


-Torrey Pines High School American Red Cross Website!
  • We now have a club website located at
  • Event information and all the links, downloads, signups/forms will be now be available in one easy to find place 
  • Most of the information will also be available still on the Facebook group (TPHS American Red Cross Club)
- Member Applications
  • Available online at
  • Even if you believe yourself to have been an active member of the club, you will not be on the “Active Members” list on the website unless you fill out the form at the link
  • This is just a way to re-gather all your information (emails and such) and make sure you want to return to the club for the 2011-2012 school year
- Leadership/Board Member Applications
  • Available online at
  • Board member positions are open for the 2011-2012 school year, so if you want to become even more involved in the club, apply to be either Secretary, Treasurer, or Ambassador for the club [Vice President position is also available to apply for]
  • Applications for a leadership position will be due April 25th of 2011
April Events~
*You can sign-up for any or all of the events online using the “Event Sign-Up Form” that you can find at A link to this form is also on the TPHS Red Cross website!

Upcoming Events

- Postermaking (April 6th-7th)
  • Help advertise the upcoming bake sale/ information booth events by making posters
  • We will be meeting after school in the Science Hallway at 2:45 for this, and the event will go on for however long it takes- it’s okay if you need to leave early
  • You can sign up for either one of the days, or both days now, or you can decide and then sign up later online
- Baked goods collection (April 18th-22nd)
  • You can donate to the bake sale by bringing cookies and brownies (etc.) for us to sell at the information booth
  • Bring all your food items to Room 24 for storage, and make sure they won’t easily become non-edible
  • Please have all items in air-tight packaging, or just well-packaged in general
  • (OPTIONAL) For purposes of an organized inventory of baked goods, it would be appreciated if you informed us of what and how much you are planning on bringing
- First set of information booths at school (April 21st-22nd)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up now or online, more information will then be emailed to you  
Later Events 

- Second set of information booths at school (April 25th-26th)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up now or online, more information will then be emailed to you
- Set of information booths in front of Vons (April 28th-29th)
  • At the booths we’ll be selling Red Cross merchandise and baked goods, as well as distributing pamphlets and answering Red Cross/community service-related questions
  • Make sure that you do a bit of research and learn the needed information if you want to help out at the booths, since you might be answering numerous questions
  • Sign up now or online, more information will then be emailed to you
Today's Links


Member Applications:

Leadership Applications:

Event Sign-Up Form:

*You can email us at!

Next meeting will be the 19th of April!

Potential Events

Our club is pending registration to volunteer at 5 events in April, May, and then June. If you would like to sign up to volunteer at one or a combination of these five events, make sure that you respond ASAP because otherwise you will not be able to participate in these great volunteering opportunities anymore! SEE THE POST HERE.

Thanks guys,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Potential events for the future!

Here is a list of potential events that our club is pending registration in; we need to know how many people are interested so we can know which requests to respond to and follow up on. Please email us or inform us somehow, and let us know which event(s) you would sign up to attend!

*more details will be posted about the events that we collect enough volunteers for

Parkinson's 5K Walk & Fun Run
When: April 16, 2011 (Saturday), starting at 9:00AM
Where: NTC Park- Liberty Station in Point Loma
What: Volunteers assist with everything from registration, T-shirt distribution, cheerleading, parking control, set up, clean up, and dog shirt sales!

Surf Dog Clinics
When: two clinics- April 16th & May 21st (Saturdays), from 9:00AM-12:00PM
Where: Dog Beach in Del Mar
What: Assist owners and their dogs while they learn how to surf! You will need to get into the water to help, so you may want to bring a wetsuit or a change of clothes. 

When: April 30, 2011 (Saturday), from 9:00AM-12:00PM
Where: Del Mar Powerhouse Park [1658 Coast Blvd, Del Mar 92014]
What: Help remove litter and debris from the Del Mar Beach, to save the beach from contamination and pollution. In addition to litter removal, volunteers also can take part in storm drain stenciling, tree planting, weeding, and graffiti removal.

4th Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest
When: June 4, 2011 (Saturday), from 5:30AM-4:00PM
Where: Carlsbad State Beaches- Frazee Beach to Tamarack Beach
What: Volunteer duties include, but are not limited to, setting up and cleaning up, run/walk course assistants, vendor and booth assistants, event greeters, sport activities assistants, check-in and registration, and T-shirt distribution.

Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Marathon
When: June 5, 2011 (Sunday) from 5:00AM-2:30PM
Where: Rose Marie Starns (South Shores Park) in Mission Bay
What: Work at the finish line of the marathon and organize gear bags, awarding medals to marathon participants, help VIP participants, assist participants in boarding the shuttles pre and post-race, using stopwatches to time runners to ensure accuracy of official race times, and to work in the medical tents to assist with minor injuries. Each volunteer receives a T-shirt, backpack, and free entry into Race Crew-only prize drawings.

Make sure to respond ASAP, so that we know which ones to register for. Otherwise, all of these fun volunteering opportunities will be filled up!