Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hi everyone!
  Since I've been hearing requests to go over the information once more from our first TPHS ARC meeting, your wish is my command :)  I would also like to give a big thank you to our board members who led the meeting!  Our next meeting will be on October 16th, 2014 in room 24.

  • Member Applications: Available online at you do NOT need to reapply if you completed this process last year.  For you to be able to volunteer with us and get hours for fundraising, various events, and donations of time/effort, please sign up first, then email confirming your application (our club secretary Jessica Yang) so she can add your name onto our website and track your hours :)  

  • MAKE SURE TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN UP FOR THE CLUB AS WELL; THE MORE THE MERRIER! Events are so much more fun with a group of friends tagging along.

  • take lots of photos at the events! :D every batch ( quality photos of you and your friends having a good time at the event) will also add on 30 minutes! Email them to either Lisa Hu or back at this email for us to upload them on the website or our TPHS ARC Facebook page ("like us" at!).
    Rebecca Chen
    TPHS American Red Cross Club Pres. '14-'15

Sunday, June 8, 2014

End of the Year Statement/Congratulations

Dear wonderful TPHS ARC club members,
  It's been an honor to work with such hardworking, yet funny and charming people this school year of 2013-2014!  Final hours are updated on our website, and membership/20+ volunteer hour certificates have all been handed out.  
  Thank you all so much for helping us raise almost a grand total of $364 dollars to help the American Red Cross continue their work in blood drives, disaster relief, and health education!  We as a club also performed a total of 468.5 volunteer hours! Way to go, guys!  
And Finally, drum roll please..............................After much thought and consideration of all your work, I'd like to present to you the new board of TPHS ARC for the year 2014-2015!  

Rebecca Chen
Vice President:
Lisa Hu

Jessica Yang

Miree Yoon

Francisca Vasconcelos

Event Coordinator(s)/ Club Representative(s):
Sooyeon Kim
Victoria Susman

Thank you all again <3  Farewell and congrats seniors, and to the rest of you, come back and volunteer with TPHS ARC once more! ^_^
     Rebecca Chen 
     TPHS ARC President '13-'14

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Here's a recap of our 2014 Spring fundraiser for the American Red Cross, to help them continue giving disaster relief, education, and emergency assistance to people in need of such important services :)  
  We will be selling Milk Tea Boba from Tapioca Express-each will be sold for $4 each.  Sell 3 of them and you can get one hour of volunteerism, and each one after that gets you another half hour!  If that seems too daunting, sell 2 and I'll be willing to give out half an hour. Sell a lot though guys!  These pre-orders are great ways to earn service hours, bringing you even closer to that 30 hour requirement.  Also, who doesn't like boba?! :D  Please sell a minimum of 2 orders.
  The cut-off date for the orders will be at the next club meeting on March 13th, 2014 during lunch in Mrs. Olson's room; Please bring the names of the people who ordered, their orders, and the money. The boba will be delivered after school on 3/20/2014, a 1/3/5 Thursday!  
**For any track people- I know that track meets are on Thursdays but that day is a home meet so we should be able to sneak out and get our boba and return super quick ;)  

  Rebecca Chen 
  TPHS ARC President '13-'14